Members can earn Prize Points for participating in Daily Challenge. Earn maximum points by liking, completing, and commenting on each challenge, sharing your takeaways with colleagues. Liking and marking challenges complete helps Sonic Boom determine which ones are a smash hit and which need to be updated. Follow the instructions below to learn how to access them.
Using a computer:
Log into your Sonic Boom account at
Select Today's Challenge from the homepage. It's located under Daily Challenge.
A pop-up window will appear with that day's challenge. Take your time to review the content, then rate it depending on how it impacted your wellbeing knowledge.
In the gray box that says Post a photo or comment, you can either use the picture icon to upload a photo from your computer, or you can type a comment in that space in the box. Hit Submit when done.
Check Mark as complete at the bottom of the challenge to indicate you completed the challenge. If Daily Challenges are part of your rewards design, your completion will record toward credit.
Using mobile app:
Open the Sonic Boom Wellness app on your phone.
Select Go to challenge from the homepage. It's located under Daily Challenge.
Under the challenge photo, select the star on the upper right corner to rate the challenge.
Click the conversation bubble to post a photo or leave a comment on the challenge.
At the very bottom of your phone's screen, click the Complete button once the challenge is done.
Tip: You can click the date with the left arrow to scroll back through old challenges that you may have missed.