Update Fitbit device name in Sonic Boom Wellness account

You recently got a new Fitbit—but your old device name is still showing in your Sonic Boom Wellness account. What gives?


Here's how to solve it:


  1. Open an 'incognito' window in your Internet browser to relink your Fitbit to your Sonic Boom Wellness account. See below for instructions on how to do that.


Google Chrome:

  1. Open a new browser tab (Ctrl+T).

  2. Drag mouse to the three horizontal lines in top right corner of screen.

  3. Click on New incognito window.


Mozilla Firefox:

  1. Open a new browser tab (Ctrl+T).

  2. Drag mouse to the three horizontal lines in top right corner of screen.

  3. Click on New private window.


Internet Explorer: 

  1. Open a new browser tab (Ctrl+T)

  2. Click on the cog wheel icon at the top right corner of screen.

  3. Hover mouse over Safety.

  4. Click on InPrivate browsing.


Safari (computer)

  1. Open a new browser tab.

  2. Hover mouse under File.

  3. Click on New private window.


2. Log into your Sonic Boom account.

3. Click on your avatar (either profile photo or initials).

4. Select Manage Devices.

5. Click on Let's Get Started.

6. Choose Fitbit.

7. Enter your Fitbit credentials, then allow access.


That's it!

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